Name :    Cindy Meacham

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Adult:    54  years old

Location:  Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Area(s) affected:  Left femur

Personal History:

My name is Cindy Meacham. I am 54 years-old and live in Colorado Springs, Colorado. My melorheostosis resides in my left femur. I most likely incurred it as a young girl forced into ballet after knee surgeries again and again. By age 16, I had had 9 surgeries (medial and lateral meniscus). To date now, my left knee has been replaced twice, an ACL on my right knee and three surgeries on my right shoulder: calcific tendonitis, and 2 rotator cuff repairs. Currently, I am divorced but, fortunately, have a wonderful support group with my daughter, grandson and many friends. I'm currently in school learning computer basics and will start in summer to study to be a paralegel. Pain is my friend, I understand it well.  My back has bulging discs and a pinched sciatica nerve.

So pain is a part of my life everyday - all day. But we must all persevere and do our best to keep strong and look ahead at a promising future.


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