Name :   Frank Jandura

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Adult:     52 years old

Location:  New Lenox, IL

Area(s) affected:  Right leg

Personal History:

I was diagnosed with this problem back in 1999 after I had fallen at work. I have had this pain in my right leg for years prior to falling. The fall had irritated it and increased the pain severly. I have been to many doctors and even the University of Chicago and seen the top doctors in their field. All have come back with the same conclusion.  I have been told they can go in and remove the bone and place a metal rod with pins, however it means I will have to use a crutch in order to walk around for the rest of my life (NO THANK YOU ). I have been on various pain medications over the years until about a year ago when we finally got a mixture that seems to help. The pain does not totally go away but it helps to the point I can function. I take Oxycontine 40 mg 2 times a day along with Norco 10/325 mg for break through pain as needed and Mobic 7.5 mg 2 time daily. I would not wish this disease on anyone. It would be nice if a cure could be found short of operations. 

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