Name : Kent H.

E-mail :

Adult:  57 years old

City, State:  Kerrville, Texas

Areas affected:  Right tibia

Personal History:

1. Onset: Right Tibia -- I noticed maybe when I was 10-11 but my parents did not notice it until I was 13. Examination and X-rays. (1960)

2. 1961 was not allowed to play football. Severe pain when "knocked."

3. Various visits and x-rays, deformity increases in size and changes shape with the tops of socks creasing and "denting" the soft tissue.

4. 1967 rejected for Naval Service after 10 days in the hospital; seen by many doctors.

5. 1969 rejected by Selective Service.

6. Followed by Arkansas doctors 1971-99; slow increase in size; pain following any strenuous use.

7. 2004 started very aggressive exercise program, including inclined leg presses. Only pain is when muscles in front of the tibia retract around the tibia and then spasms of severe pain lasts for days.

8. Pain can be described as such:

a. "Ice pick" .... like someone jammed an ice pick in your eyeball .small and severe

b. Hatchets where the pain is more severe but you can still walk...; reoccurrence is every 30 seconds

c. Swords can be debilitating and the only solution is bags of ice stuck down in my western boots. Reoccurrence is every 30 seconds lasting 5 to 10 seconds.

d. Axes .... is so severe that nothing but a 5 pound bag of ice left on it all night will stop the pain and the pain is way off the charts...

The leg ceases to operate as the pain wipes out the messages from the brain to walk.....

Otherwise there are few symptoms and I have been reasonable blessed with the leg's use for 57 years.


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