Name : Liz Simmonds

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Adult:  42 years old

Location:  UK, Stourbridge, West Midlands

Area of body affected:  middle finger on right hand

Personal History:

Long time ago but I remember horribly intense pain which kept me awake until I would drop from exhaustion. The bone in the finger grew abnormally until there was a visible lump - on x-ray as dripping candle wax - within a short space of time; and after what seemed like a lifetime I had an operation to remove a large section of the bone. I had many x-rays for a number of years afterwards of my whole body and there were more dense areas showing on the long bones in my legs and arms, though I never developed the candle wax appearance that occurred on my finger. I still have pain in my finger, and sometimes my other bones, though not as intense as those days.

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