Name : Maria Daniela Rodriguez

Adult:  24 years old

Location:  Santa Rosa, Argentina

E-mail : 

Areas of body affected: right leg

Personal History (In Spanish, followed by English translation):

Me llamo Daniela, tengo 24 aņos, y soy estudiante de Biologia en la ciudad de Santa Rosa, Republica Argentina.

Hace exactamente 2 dias me diagnosticaron melorheostosis y mi curiosidad me llevo a internet donde encontre

esta pagina. Empece con un dolor en la rodilla derecha hace exactamente un mes (11 de julio), pase por varios

traumatologos, me hicieron una biopsia y nada les convencia. Un especialista en tumores oseos de la ciudad de

Buenos Aires sugiriķ esta enfermedad. La imagen de la radiografia de mi femur derecho es. como dice la

 bibliografia que consulte en esta pagina, como una vela chorreando. Ahora me derivaron a otro traumatologo, un

 especialista, que supongo que vere dentro de 3 semanas.cuando tenga mas novedades me vuelvo a contactar.  

English translation:

My name is Daniela, I'm 24 years old and I'm a student of Biology in the city of Santa Rosa in Argentina.  Two

days ago the doctors told me that I have Melorheostosis, and looking for information on the Internet, I found

this site.  I started with a pain in my right leg a month ago (July 11).  I saw a lot of doctors;  they took

a biopsy but still didn't know what I had.  A bone specialist in the city of Buenos Aires suggests the disease of

melorheostosis.  The radiological image of my right femur is like you say on the internet page "as a candle

 chorreando" (I don't know how to translate "chorreando").  Actually the pain had gone, and I'm living a normal

 life.  Doctors say to go back to them only if I start again with the pain; I hope this won't be necessary.

If you wish to contact me because you have the same disease, please do it to .  I'll be

really happy to know that I'm not the only person in this moment that has this disease.  If someone has more

scientific information, please contact me.


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