Name : Sheryl Johnson


Adult:  32 years old

Areas affected:   rib, vertebrae, spinal canal

Personal History:

My name is Sheryl and I am 32 years old.  I was recently diagnosed with Melorheostosis.  I was in a car accident which caused damage to my spine so they were taking an MRI and found what they think is Melorheostosis. They cannot come up with any other explanation for what they are seeing on my MRI and they have now diagnosed me with this.  It has consumed one rib, vertebrae and in my spinal canal.  My Neurologist said he has never heard of it affecting the spine before and I would be the first that he knows of.  He had no information to give me except that if it continues to grow they will remove my rib and vertebrae and try and take it from my spinal column as well.  I have pain in my back where it has been located and have not been given any prognosis or answers as to what to do, where it is from and why.  I have tried to research it but there just isn't any information out there, especially no one seem to have it in their spine.

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