Name :    Shannon Hollis

E-mail :

Adult:  23 years old   

Location:  Jacksonville, FL

Area(s) affected:  Right hand

Personal History:

I've just recently been diagnosed with Melo after going to see an orthopedic surgeon to correct what I thought was an old sports injury when I was a kid. My finger has been disfigured for many years and, like I said before, I always thought it was and old injury that didn't heal right. When I went to the surgeon after looking at the x rays (which were pretty crazy looking!) he sent me to a orthopedic oncologist. I am currently seeing Dr Mary O'Connor at the Mayo Clinic here in Jacksonville. She seems great thus far. She diagnosed me within 10 minutes of seeing my x rays. I am getting additional x rays and an MRI this week to see if the soft tissue is affected. I go back to her at the end of the week and I am anxious to find out what is next. The pain never really bothered me much up until the last 6 months or so. It has been getting more severe and more frequent. If I type too long or write too much then I experience pain. I have a hard time opening jars or bottles. I am not sure if I have it in any other areas of my body but I'm thinking I may. I guess I will find more out as time goes on. I'm really glad this website it out here, though.

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